Pub. 5 2024-2025 Issue 1

President’s Message: Focusing on Our Values

AIA Utah is here to make architects better at what they love to do. It is our mission. That can mean a lot of things. There are likely millions of ways AIA Utah can help members. So, we are going to focus. Focus time, money and the talents of the Big Team (dedicated board members, committee chairs and committee members, partners and staff) toward our values: design excellence, integrity, stewardship, inclusivity and engagement.

Our Big Team recently spent time developing initiatives to support our strategic plan. We have a handful of initiatives to dial in, and I am sharing three of the most widely supported:

Strategic Focus 1: Get everyone into more architecture and design. And when I say “into” I am being quite literal. We want to provide more tours. This can be part of an educational opportunity, social networking event or both, but our goal is to see the fruits of our labor firsthand — to celebrate, to learn, to see beautiful solutions — and connect along the way.

Strategic Focus 2: Communicate our annual doings. In other words, that calendar of anticipated events that brings us together should be easy for our members, supporters and collaborators to find and depend on. Clarification around our annual cycle can also help each committee commit to working for membership strategically.

Strategic Focus 3: Unite our membership to make an impact for good. I believe AIA Utah members are proud to be part of AIA Utah and see the organization being able amplify a voice and pull our resources to support change. The amazing work AIA Utah leaders, volunteers and staff have contributed time to address (such as supporting the preservation of Abravanel Hall, advocating for policies that are inclusive and give firms access to the best talent in the world, and supporting initiatives that help improve public health) are activating our membership to discuss and develop our voice as a chapter, and as the discipline leadership on community issues. It is clear our members want us to do more of this. I believe it is an exciting way to build our Big Team, aligning with what AIA Utah members are passionate about.

So, dear member reader, what we need now is you! Leverage your membership to the fullest. Come to tours, give a tour, join your network of colleagues as often as you can, and build the common voice of architects in Utah. I know we’ll be better architects with you on the Big Team!

Chamonix Larsen

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