Pub. 3 2022-2023 Issue 3

By Jessica Hoffman, AIA, NCARB President, AIA Utah

Hooray for spring and more light!

Don’t you love it when the sun’s angles start to change? I love to watch how light enters my living spaces and how different the shadows are when I come and go from my office. New buds forming on the trees, and contractors digging into thawed earth. It is invigorating, and I need it! 

By Angie Harris Roberts, Executive Director, AIA Utah

As I wake up to another snowy day, it is hard to remember that spring is right around the corner. The promise of spring brings hope and renewed energy to assess where we’re at and engage with our surroundings. Similar to the spring cleaning I love to do in my own home, I’m excited to begin my tenure as AIA Utah’s Executive Director and to learn more about the organization and how we can better serve you, our members.

By Jeff Bolinger, AIA, GSBS Architects
By Ross Cox, Estimating Manager, Hogan & Associates Construction
By AIA Utah

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