By Jarod F. Maw, AIA Utah, President
Today we find ourselves facing circumstances unprecedented for us personally as well as professionally. To adhere to the government request for “social distancing,” I, like many of you, am working from home. My new co-workers right now consist of my wife, my two daughters and two overly excited canines. Each of these co-workers have schedules and tasks that are entirely different from my own. None of them share my same enthusiasm for sustainable architecture, BIM or best practices for a successful architecture firm. I have yet to find anyone here who can help me with Revit, Bluebeam, or in-depth knowledge of the 2018 IBC. I am slowly adapting. As we all get through these events, I hope you are too. We have much to learn from each other at this time, and I want to let you know that AIA is here for you as your connection to each other and the profession.
During this time, AIA Utah will continue to be a resource for you. The board of directors and committees will continue to meet through virtual means. We are currently exploring ways to help you maintain your educational progress and stay informed in the best way possible. Expect further developments in April regarding continuing education opportunities and more details on how to transfer the architecture profession in this new environment.
I am certain you all have seen an increase in service and awareness in your communities as we weather through this time. I firmly believe that the best way to get through this is TOGETHER! Now more than ever, we need successful collaboration within our membership. I don’t believe any of us are happy with the latest string of events. I think the wizard Gandalf in Lord of the Rings had the best advice I have heard regarding situations like this one:


Jarod F. Maw, AIA President, AIA Utah
This story appears in Issue 1 2020-2021 of the Reflexion Magazine.